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23 Jan 2024
updated 23 Jan 2024


Irving Adler, Magic House of Number, Signet 1957

Irving Adler, The New Mathematics, Dobson 1959

E T Bell, Men of Mathematics, Scientific Book Club, date unknown

E T Bell, Mathematics: Queen and Servant of Science, G Bell & Sons 1954

E T Bell, The Last Problem, Victor Gollancz 1962

Alex Bellos, Alex’s Adventures in Numberland, Bloomsbury 2010

Alex Bellos, Alex through the Looking Glass, Bloomsbury 2014

Douglas St P Barnard, Adventures in Mathematics, Pelham Books 1965

Margaret E Bowman, Romance in Arithmetic, University of London Press 1961

Jason I Brown, Our Days are Numbered, McClelland & Stewart 2009

Jamie Buchan, As Easy as Pi, Michael O’Mara Books 2009

F J Budden, Number Scales and Computers, Longmans Green 1967

David M Burton, Elementary Number Theory, William C Brown 1988

Egmont Colerus, From Simple Numbers to the Calculus, Heinemann 1954

John Conway & Richard Guy, The Book of Numbers, Copernicus 1996

Tony Crilly, 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know about Maths, Quercus undated

Tobias Danzig, Number, The Language of Science, Allen & Unwin 1962

John Derbyshire, Prime Obsession, Plume 2004

John Derbyshire, Unknown Quantity, Joseph Henry Press 2006

Keith Devlin, The Man of Numbers, Bloomsbury Publishing 2011

Keith Devlin, The Millennium Problems, Granta Books 2004

William Dunham, Journey through Genius, John Wiley 1990

William Dunham, The Mathematical Universe, John Wiley 1994

W L Ferrar, Higher Algebra for Schools, Clarendon Press 1945

Graham Flegg, Numbers: Their History and Meaning, Penguin 1984

E Foley & B Coates, Homework for Grown-Ups, Square Peg 2008

Jan Gullberg, Mathematics from the Birth of Numbers, W W Norton 1997

H S Hall & S R Knight, Elementary Algebra for Schools, Macmillan 1899

H S Hall & S R Knight, Higher Algebra, Macmillan 1964

G H Hardy & E M Wright, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Oxford 1960

Sir Thomas L Heath, A Manual of Greek Mathematics, Dover 2003

Peter M Higgins, Numbers - A Very Short Introduction, OUP 2011

Lancelot Hogben, Mathematics for the Million, Merlin Press 1989

Adrian Jenkins, The Number File, Tarquin Books 2000

Cornelius Lanczos, Numbers without End, Oliver and Boyd 1968

Eli Maor, The Pythagorean Theorem, Princeton 2007

John McLeish, Number, Flamingo, London 1992

Paul J Nahin, Mrs Perkins’s Electric Quilt, Princeton University Press 2009

Paul J Nahin, Dr Euler’s Fabulous Formula, Princeton University Press 2011

Joaquin Navarro, The Secrets of π, Everything is Mathematical 2010

A Page, Algebra, University of London Press, 1965

W J Reichman, The Fascination of Numbers, Methuen 1957

Dan Rockmore, Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis, Jonathan Cape 2005

Evelyn B Rosenthal, Understanding the New Maths, Souvenir Press 1966

Karl Sabbagh, Dr Riemann’s Zeros, Atlantic Books 2002

Marcus du Sautoy, The Music of the Primes, Fourth Estate 2003

Charles Smith, A Treatise on Algebra, Macmillan 1946

Ian Stewart, Professor Stewart’s Incredible Numbers, Profile Books 2015

L F Taylor, Numbers, Faber & Faber 1970

I Todhunter, Theory of Equations, Macmillan 1875

David Wells, The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Mathematics, Penguin 1997

David Wells, The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers, Penguin 1987

Alistair Macintosh Wilson, The Infinite in the Finite, Oxford 1995

James Wood, Elements of Algebra, Cambridge 1848