Lyncroft, Woburn Sands
Francis Underwood, an American citizen, a fine-looking literary man, travelled to Britain in Aug 1885 and in that same year was appointed American Consul at Glasgow. In 1893 he became Consul at Leith, but died the following year. Latterly he had lived at 35 Mansionhouse Road in the Grange, Edinburgh, an affluent residential area.
And on 10 Jun 1890 he had married the spinster Frances Mary Findlay (18 Dec 1861 – 13 Apr 1922), presumably for companionship rather than any especial hope of raising a family. The marriage register records him as having been a widower.
Lyncroft, Hardwicke Road, Woburn Sands
Kelly’s Street Directory for 1920 gives Elton Gueritz as the owner of Lyncroft