I should like to dedicate this unit of the website to the memory of my postdoctoral research supervisor, with admiration, respect and affection:

Joe Gerratt
1938 - 1997
For Joe's biographical details and obituary please see:
(If the link is broken, see this copy.)
(If the link is broken, see this copy.)
(If the link is broken, see this copy.)
and the following tribute
S Wilson, M Raimondi, D L Cooper (1999) J Gerratt, 1938-1997,
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 74: 2. 71-81
And click here for a characteristic flavour of his undergraduate lecture material, right from the very start of his teaching career at the University of East Anglia in 1967 / 68, before moving on to the University of Bristol. Despite all his other academic commitments, Joe's lecture notes were regularly revised and updated, so this transcript, made available at the end of that course, would for him have been just a point of departure rather than a finished product. But for the students at the listening end it would have come as a revelation – it certainly did to me.